At Hungry 4 Health we’re all about understanding food and nutrition, how it helps our body function, and how to develop healthy habits. We believe knowledge is power, so we’re here to help educate young minds and their families, to empower them to make informed choices about their food and health.

Hi, I’m Andisha! I am a qualified dietitian and nutritionist, and have worked as a dietitian across New Zealand, England and Australia in clinical, community, aged care and food industry settings. I knew at the age of 16 that I wanted to be a dietitian, and it was because of my food journey during my formative years.

My love of food began at a young age; watching my mum and grandmother cook up storms in the kitchen, fusing our Indian and South African heritage. While I loved eating food, I had no idea about nutrition and the food choices I was making, and how it would affect my body as I grew older. It was only in my early teens when we moved to The Netherlands and I started studying Food Technology at school that I began to learn about the relationship between food and health, and I was blown away! Why hadn’t I learned about this sooner? Why didn’t my parents teach me? Why is there so little reliable information out there? And I knew I had to make it my mission to help people with their nutrition and health.


After more than 10 years of working as a dietitian with patients living with chronic diseases, the knowledge gap in many peoples’ understanding of nutrition has only become more apparent to me. Knowing that eating behaviours develop early in a child’s life, I have turned my focus to educating and empowering children to make informed decisions about their eating habits through nutrition education at Primary School level. The support of parents is imperative in developing a healthy environment in the home, which is why I also encourage parents to be involved in their child’s learning. I hope you and your family find inspiration in our courses and may it nourish your family’s tummies and souls!